

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We have been calling my son Kermit since his first few weeks of life. Why would we refer to him as the green, jumping frog of Sesame Street you ask? Well, firstly because no one in my husband's family can escape without a nick name, but mainly because since he was born he has slept with his legs tucked up under him like a little froggy and he absolutely LOVES to jump. When he was real tiny he would bounce any time you stood him on your lap and then once he was big enough we got him a door jumper which has become his favorite toy. And even now, celebrating his first birthday, he is still hopping all over the place and bouncing on anything and everything. SO, how could I possibly do anything BUT a frog theme for this little man's birthday? It was so expected that I felt like I couldn't disappoint. With that being said, aren't these frog cupcakes cute? I love bright colors and I love this idea for frogs that I found on Pinterest (ok, so I'm not ALWAYS original). I also made him a "frog prince" crown to help him celebrate the big 1, but it got very limited use. :)

To make the frogs you will need:
Fruit slices (the idea I copied just used green, but the first bag I bought only had two green fruit slices in it,    
                   so we went with all colors!)
Spice drops
Candy Eyes (walmart or michaels)
Powdered Sugar (or white chocolate)
bubble tape

Stick toothpicks through the fruit slice and through each of the spice drops (you will need two toothpicks per frog). Using either powdered sugar mixed with a tiny bit of water to form a paste or melted white chocolate, stick the candy eyes to the spice drops. Cut strips of bubble tape for the tongue and cut a v-shape in one end. Stick the frog into the cupcake with the toothpicks and stick the tongue between the toothpicks 
underneath the frog.

To display some of these cupcakes I made a rice krispie treat cake! Originally I wanted a 3 tier cake but after the first two tiers took 5 batches of rice krispie treats, my husband said enough is enough :). Which is surprising since this is one of his favorite desserts. I have a set of 3 spring form pans and I molded these two layers out of the largest and smallest pans but you could use cake pans or anything you have in your kitchen. It needed some color so I used ribbon on the top layer, but didn't have another ribbon I loved so the bottom layer is wrapped in a streamer! 

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